Partnership for TechHeads 2024 is now Closed

We aim for strategic partnerships that create a triple win scenario, benefiting both parties and leaving a positive impact on our shared network.

Join us in cultivating an exceptional partnership that delivers substantial value to all attendees, placing you at the center of significant events alongside distinguished speakers and industry leaders.

TechHeads partnership packages are limited. Make sure you don’t miss out on this opportunity by signing up as quickly as possible. First booked, first served.

Key Partner (ENDED)

As a reputable brand, you seek to connect with your audience and empower your employees to attend and bring back innovative ideas for implementation in your company. It’s easy, just pre-book minimum 10 tickets and maximum 40 and send us your logo, then you’re in!

What you get:

  • Conference tickets between 10-40 with special discount
  • Linked logo at
  • Logo in email, program and venue
  • (Optional and additional cost) Add-ons such as Boosted logo, Brand Clip and Parallel Workshop
  • (Optional) After Work at your place (registration, food/drinks is on you)

Supporter (ENDED)

Join the celebration—it’s not just a conference; it’s a party, and we’re in this together! Your contribution can elevate the experience, and we welcome the wild, the innovative, and the unexpected. It could be a discount offer, speaker representing your company, give away etc. Sky is the limit.

What you get:

  • An honorable thank you for your contribution
  • Linked logo at
  • Logo in email, program and venue
  • Conference tickets with no special discount

Lead Partner (Fully booked)

Whether you’re a well-established brand or aiming to create a remarkable impact, we’ve got you covered. You get all in Key Partner and then a lot more exposure and you’ll inspire the audience with your own session.
