Speaker Nomination is now closed
TechHeads, driven by exceptional speakers, curates’ innovative minds to inspire, educate, and introduce groundbreaking ways to work through tech within e-commerce, e-health and Emerging Trends. Industry data practitioners are invited to share their insights. Thank you for the nominations.
Before you start, we have following checklist to consider:
- TechHeads 2024 will take place on the 24th of September, at Kalmarsalen in Kalmar, Sweden.
- The sessions in parallel tracks are set to 25 min including questions.
- Please submit your most passionate talks.
- If possible, include bio and if applicable, link to a nice photo of the nominee (high resolution).
- All sessions shall be in English.
- Please mark your session with any of the following levels: Introductory, Intermediate, or Advanced.
- Please mark your session in which track it will fit: e-commerce, e-health or emerging trends.
- If a nominee is granted:
- TechHeads cover travel and hotel costs, if nominee NOT based in Kalmar area.
- Speaker will have their linked logo under Partner section of “Supporter”.
- Speaker get a full day ticket without cost.